The core expertise of CMS lies in the assignments that includes investigation, survey and engineering design, technical assistance, management support, construction supervision, impact evaluation, modelling, policy review, and environmental impact assessment.
Recent Projects
Construction Supervision, Quality Control, and Contract Management of Civil Works of Lamki Extention
Under Construction
Review of Design , Construction, Supervision and Contract Management of East Main Canal- SIP
Under Construction
Feasibility Study of Dams in Dang Valley
Client: Government of Nepal
The main objective of this Project was to carry out prefeasibility level study to identify various components and alternatives of the project such as dam, inlet tunnel, outlet, power generation, canal alignment, command area, and required structure of the main canal. The project also aimed to have a general picture of the impact of this project on the current socio-economic status of the area.
Detail Feasibility Study of Detail Engineering Planning and Design of Rani Jamara Kulariya system extension project
Client: Government of Nepal
The service provided by CMS in the project includes: detailed engineering design of various structures, planning and design of new structures, reviewing existing infrastructures, carrying-out topographical survey etc.
Establishment of “End-to-End” flood early warning system in Koshi and West Rapti River basins to support and strengthen disaster risk management
Client: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Government of Nepal
This Project intends to establish a people-centered functional “End-to-End” Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System (FEWS) in two locations in Nepal, the Koshi and West Rapti river basins, to mitigate adverse impacts of flooding.
Preparation of detailed project report of extension of command area development study of Rani Jamara and Kulariya Irrigation System-Phase II
Client: Government of Nepal
CMS conducted detailed feasibility study that covered the detailed planning, detailed engineering, institutional and socio-economic study of the command area development (14,300 ha net area) below branch canals (Rani, Jamara and Kulariya) up to Field Outlet levels (28 ha block)
Technical assistance for implementation of component -A, Irrigation and Water Resources Management Project
Client: The World Bank, Government of Nepal
CMS assisted in performing the four components of the project: Irrigation Infrastructure Development and Improvement, ii. Irrigation Management Transfer, iii. Institution and Policy Support for Improved Water Management, iv. Integrated Crop and Water Management
Detailed planning and engineering design of Branch Canals and associated command area development of Sikta Irrigation Project
Client: Government of Nepal
CMS carried out detailed planning and engineering design of five branch canals and associated command area development works of 14,406 ha land on the right side command area (Terai area) of the Project.
Hydraulic modeling and detailed design of Kulariya and Jamara canal systems
Client: Government of Nepal
CMS provided the following services: Hydro-dynamic modeling of Jamara Branch Canal (5,380 ha) and Kulariya Branch Canal ( 4,500 ha) totalling about 9,880 ha of RJKIP using HEC-RAS model, detailed engineering design and drawings of main and branch canals, culverts, bridges, prepared quantity and cost estimates, and prepared contract bidding documents for international competitive bidding.